Metro Testing + Engineering provides a wide range of shotcrete services including applications in underground service tunnels, slope stabilization, marine and civil structures. Services include ACI training and certification for nozzlemen, consulting on shotcrete mix designs (including fibre shotcrete and high-performance shotcrete), shotcrete placement, shotcrete monitoring, and troubleshooting. A variety of tests on fresh and hardened shotcrete using standard mock-up panels are done in the laboratory.
- American Concrete Institute (AC) training & certification
- Shotcrete mix designs
- Shotcrete placement monitoring
- Troubleshooting of wet-mix and dry-mix shotcrete processes
- Quality Assurance / Quality Control services
Specialty Services:
- Acid Rock Drainage / Metal Leaching Testing & Evaluation
- Air Tightness Testing
- Cured in Place Pipe Testing (CIPP)
- Cutting & Coring
- Fibre Composite Testing
- Fire Proofing Inspection & Testing
- Floor Flatness Levelness Testing
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Pile Driving Analysis
- Post-Tensioning (PT)
- Pull Testing
- Resistograph Testing
- Shotcrete
- Soils Thermal Resistivity
- Soil & Aggregate Corrosivity
- Thermal Management in Mass Concrete
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Water Penetration Testing