Water Penetration Testing

Water Penetration Testing

Metro Testing + Engineering provides testing and/or monitoring of new construction and existing buildings and structures. On-site preparation and testing of weather-resistive barrier systems such as exterior windows, doors, and curtain-wall systems are provided. Testing is done by uniform or cyclic static air-pressure difference by constructing a sealed test chamber on the interior side of the test specimen while applying water at a specified rate to simulate a wind-driven rain event under severe weather conditions.


  • On-site preparation testing of the fenestration assembly
  • Testing for adherence to specified water penetration
  • Detection of water ingress and other failures
  • Seismic loading
  • Proof-load testing of railings, floors, wall systems, anchors, and ties
  • Roofing and waterproofing inspections
  • Adhesion, thickness, and slip resistance testing of membranes and coatings
  • Structural testing of wall assemblies